The Nocorona assignment: How is Aarhus coming out of lockdown?

here I publish a short video, showing the ways in which Äarhus and its people is taking the end of lockdown in its stride

this story is for everybody but I had my friends and family from Manchester in mind and planned to give them a broad overview of life returning to normal and some differing insights from the residents of Aarhus.

4 thoughts on “The Nocorona assignment: How is Aarhus coming out of lockdown?

  1. I really like the comment of Danish people, it gives different perspectives! The concept is great for young people, you can just share it on Snapchat or Instagram. I would maybe like you speaking in the video as well, to understanding who is it coming from.

  2. – What makes it a good idea, and why?
    It shows different perspectives of the Corona situation and life in general in Denmark. I especially enjoyed the vox pops!

    – Is it well done? And, suggest an improvement or change.
    The only thing you might improve is the sound of the vox pops and maybe also add sound to all parts of the video so it’s not too confusing when the sound suddenly turns on.

    – To what extent does it really show the place/situation for the audience/ people elsewhere?
    The piece contains different aspects of everyday life as well as some personal views upon the situation that’s why you can easily relate to it and imagine yourself to be in the same situation.

  3. – What makes it a good idea, and why?
    I believe that this is a very good idea, because it is a video that combines an informative explanation with different opinions and personal views on the Covid-19 situation in Aarhus.

    – Is it well done? And, suggest an improvement or change.
    I think it is well done and original, as it is made in an Instagram format, which is very relevant in our present information resources. Besides, the fact that it shows Danish people’s perspectives on the situation is very accurate, as the video is about how the Covid-19 situation has been for people who live in Denmark.

    – To what extent does it really show the place/situation for the audience/ people elsewhere?
    It really shows the place, as it shows images of the festival and of different parts of the city, and it is also mentioned in the text included in the video.

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